Monday, February 21, 2011

Picture Catch Up

Our pretty front porch:)The beautiful sunset.
My pretty new lunch box that my parents gave me for Valentines Day:)
Me on the way to my soccer games
Here's my breakfast... I forget which day it was...

My boys;) and there's only three of them... not six;)
My new Under Armour backpack:)

Monday, February 7, 2011

Oh My Goodness

This is what happens when you try to make a very small turn in a very big truck. It kinda makes you wonder who taught him how to drive? I' kidding... accidents happen. :)

By the way... GREEN BAY WON THE SUPERBOWL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Now that I got that out of my system, y'all have a great day:)

If I Had No Life....

I would....

  1. be doing my homework as soon as I was done with school

  2. be updating my blog because I wasn't doing my homework even though I was supposed to be doing homework...

  3. literally counting down the minutes until one of my favorite tv shows came on

so you basically get the point. But I DO have a life... and my life is doing all those things and sometimes a little bit more.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Agnes (Despicable Me)

Go Bucks!

I'm not OCD...

I just simply label my school notebooks in two different places and color code my subjects... and no I don't have a problem... well... maybe I do... :)