Wednesday, June 29, 2011
Update on life
Well, as you might have noticed I haven't blogged since Monday. I have a very good excuse though. See as Tuesday morning... about 12 am... I was sick throwing up... Today I am feeling much better. I didn't have anything to eat yesterday except for about 10 crackers but today I had a bowl of soup and it was amazing:) So, now that you know why I wasn't on blogger, I will end this post before I bore you guys to death with things you don't care about:) Have a great night:)
Monday, June 27, 2011
It's Monday:)
I absolutely love Mondays. I think I've mentioned that before... but they really are awesome:). I'm going to the gym today... depending on my knees I will try to run at least 2 miles... but if they won't let me it will be a short run day. I had a great time at the river on Saturday. I only caught three fish though... 1 rainbow trout and 2 horny heads. The water was really cold but I think that was just because of the rain that we had. We saw a little fawn cross the river too. It was so adorable. I didn't run at all through the weekend but I think it was a good thing I took a rest... if I ran everyday my knees would put an end to my running career:). As I'm typing this I have the straw of my water bottle in my mouth... drinking as much water as possible before I run. It makes me run stronger and faster. I will try and post my time when I get back if I remember:). Well, I guess I'm gonna go... drink more water:) Have a great day:)
Friday, June 24, 2011
Running, Soccer, and Summer Thoughts
I am in an awesome mood right now:). My summer has been going great. Soccer starts up on Tuesday with some pickup games... maybe it won't be as hot as it has been... I doubt it. I ran 1.5 miles today in a little over 12 minutes. I was gonna go 2 miles but we were in a hurry today. I will probably run two miles at least twice this week. I typically only run 2 or more miles at the gym because it's so hot... during the school year I hopefully won't have that problem so we won't have to go to the gym as much. I am super-duper exited about tomorrow because we get to go fishing!!!! That totally made my week:). Well, I guess I'm gonna go eat supper and get a shower before it starts storming again... hope y'all have a good weekend! I may not have time to blog again till Monday but I'm not sure:)
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
I ran two miles this morning in under twenty minutes!!! I'm very proud of myself:) I'm getting ready to get a shower and get ready for bed... I gotta get up early to run outside tomorrow... have a good night y'all!
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
A Great Day to Run
Today was a great day to run. To spite the fact that it was close to 90 degrees and it was only 8:50 a.m. I ran with my hair in a bun off my neck and my sleeves rolled up to my shoulders. That was the best I could do I couldn't take anything else off... well, legally... ;) I ran for about 15 minutes which is pretty good considering that I can run 2 miles in 20. Hopefully I will be able to do that again tomorrow. I'm hoping to be able to run 3 miles straight in a little under thirty by at least July... August worst case... In case you were wondering, I'm going to the gym tomorrow... there's no way I could run two to three miles in this heat... well, I could if I got up early enough but I don't... I might Thursday and Friday since those are my shorts days I run outside. I still can't get over how awesome my run was today! And, when I came in, I had fruit and milk for breakfast:) I feel very healthy right now:). My dresser is coming today so I will try and get those pictures posted sometime today... hopefully:) If I forget just shoot me an email ( ) If you will excuse me, I have to clean my room before my new piece of furniture gets here... but I hope all of you have a wonderfully blessed day:) I know that didn't sound anything like me but you get the point:)
Monday, June 20, 2011
Never a Dull Moment...
I'm always amazed at what I see everyday. From listening to a sermon on Sundays, to watching my neighbor chase a rabbit across the street. We don't live in a dull neighborhood that's for sure. Everybody knows everybody. If you don't know who somebody is you still wave when they drive past and it only takes about a month for you to find who they are. See, our hood is just the place I love to be. I mean from eating dirt to scooter races to popsicles... We can make anything fun anytime. We have stupid records like who ate the most popsicles in one day... We make up our own games when the ones we already know get boring. And my favorite part about this neighborhood is, you're never too old to play with chalk:) I mean to some almost 14 year old's it may seem babyish but to me it's the highlight of my day:) Well, I guess I better get going since we're leaving to go to the gym... maybe you live in a cool neighborhood like mine... if not... we some houses for sale;)
Saturday, June 18, 2011
I am enjoying yet another Saturday not doin' much of nothin'. Pardon my grammar... :) My day started out great because I my Grandma spent the night with me last night:). Normally it's the other way around... We had a blast! She came over close to 6 yesterday so we went and picked up carry out at Cici's and had that for dinner. After we ate, spent about an hour on our front porch, got showers, and ate ice cream, we played Mario Kart on the Wii until about 11. That was amazingly fun:). I stink really bad right now... I know... totally random but I cut the grass and blew off the driveway and everything and I haven't had a shower yet. Don't worry... I changed clothes when I came inside:). The rest of my day will be spent texting Caroline, getting a shower, eating supper, eating ice cream, watching tv and maybe some more Mario Kart:). Oh and about my room... I still don't have pictures yet... my dresser won't be here until Tuesday. Well, I guess I better go:) Have a good night:)
Wednesday, June 15, 2011
Running, School, and Fruit
The title might scare you a little but don't worry... nothing I'm going to say now is worse than something I've already said on this blog:). I went to the gym this morning with my Mommy expecting to run a mile... and walk the rest... but I didn't... I ran the full 2 miles and I wasn't about to die when I was finished! I did it kind of slow... 20 min. and 4 sec. But it's not terrible! Before we left though I got my new school planner in the mail. That really excited me because I'm so organized(not OCD... (((*cough*cough*Mom*))). So, that was really exciting for me:). Now to the fruit. Running has inspired me to start making better eating choices. Well, that and the fact I just read about it in my Health book:). I've always known I needed to do this but now that soccer is getting more serious I have to start now. I'm not the best eater... so I've made a pact that for my snacks and with every meal I will have fruit. Hopefully I will stay motivated to do this instead of eating crackers:). Well, I guess I better go cause my Mommy is making burgers (*which I will eat fruit with)... Have a great day!
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
Well, today has been a pretty awesome day. I got up and my Mommy and I had to run some errands so we left early to get those done. After we finished that we got to go swimming at my grandparents house! I was so stinkin' excited and I had a blast! After that we had to go Wally World (for the 2nd time today) and then we came home. Since we got home after 7 I figured the temperature had dropped some so I went out and ran for about 10 minutes and it was amazing! It really was an awesome run and the best part about it is that it got rid of my headache! Just another reason you should start running:) Well, have a good night!
Monday, June 13, 2011
Good Evening
I am as we speak working on a page for all my videos that I have. Blogger won't upload them so right now I can't publish it... I will try to get that posted as soon as I can but right now it won't work. Hopefully I will get this done by tonight. :)
Room Makeover Pt. 3
Blood, Sweat, and Tears
Most of the time you hear that when people are referring to athletes training or a football game... Well, I completely understand what people are talking about. I mean if you come to one of my soccer games you will probably see blood, sweat, and tears. That's just the way it goes. Today I went running... and with it being sooooo hot down here it's very hard to get motivated to run outside for any period of time. I walked back and forth once I was done in the same spot just so I could cool down in the shade... Every little bit helps. Even though today wasn't that great of a run, I still went out there and did it. I only did 15 minutes... but at least I did something. I really want to motivate anybody out there who knows they should be doing this but aren't. Speaking for myself, anyone who goes and does their best at anything is good enough for me. I mean, it's more important for someone to gave 100% heart than to have 100% skill. And if you have heart, the skill will come right behind it. I encourage you to go out and do something you've been putting off today and accept the fact that your best is good enough. Have a great day!
Saturday, June 11, 2011
Well, today is Saturday. The day is almost over. I can't that I'm sad that it's over because I had an awesome day! I woke up around 8ish and got ready and cut the grass for my Daddy. After that my Mother and I cleaned up my closet and put some stuff on my walls so that was good. Once we finished in my room (well, what can be done to it without a dresser...) I went out and blew off part of the driveway... I only did part because when I was about 1/2 way done Caroline got here so I stopped. Caroline got here around lunch time and we had a fun time playing Taboo after we ate lunch. And, of course, what day would be complete without laundry? Special thanks goes to Caroline for helping me with the massive mountain of clothes. It was greatly appreciated. Once we finished folding we played Mario Kart on our Wii and then made brownies. Don't worry... we ran after that to make up for the brownies:) Running makes me feel absolutely wonderful but I will talk about that later before I bore you to death. Well, I guess I'm gonna go so I can dry my hair while Caroline's getting a shower and then it's brownie time! Have a great night:)
Thursday, June 9, 2011
Room Makeover Pt. 2
This is part of my room... with no furniture... that will be changed very, very soon:)
Here's my bed which as of right now is no longer there...

this is my new bedspread on my mattress but, I have no bed frame or rails or anything yet...

this is my new bedspread on my mattress but, I have no bed frame or rails or anything yet...

Today was kind of a funny day. I was not expecting to get my furniture for at least another week. Maybe even 3 weeks. I was trying to not excite my self about it. The more I though about it the more excited I got. So, I stopped thinking about it all together. It made it easier that way. So, today when I was not thinking about my furniture, my Mom's cell phone started ringing so she went and answered it. Well, guess who it was... it was Larry. Larry called to tell us that my furniture was at the warehouse and would be delivered tomorrow around lunch time. Some people might say I handled it well... I wouldn't say that... I went basically crazy... I mean you would be able to contain yourself if you had never gotten new furniture and then you realized you had some coming tomorrow????? I went a bit crazy but that's ok... It's not really different than normal for me:) So, in conclusion, I will have new furniture tomorrow (unless something happens) which means that you guys will get to see what my new room will look like! Not that you care or anything but now I've made you curious so you kinda want to right? Well, have a good night everybody:)
Now I think most everyone is out of school for the year. Which could mean you have a ton of free time on your hands or you have a ton of stuff planned for this summer. I am kind of in a happy medium. I have to train for soccer and I am going to work on some of my classes but I also have a lot of free time to just hang out. I was just randomly thinking about what most kids do over the summer. We do nothing. Well, most kids do. I'm not saying you shouldn't relax on your summer break at all because that would be awful! What I am saying is that in your down time I encourage you to just sit down for at least 5 minutes and just read your Bible. You would be surprised at how much it helps you through the day. I know it helps me. It just makes my day so smoothly and helps me to focus on what I should be focusing on. I just wanted to encourage you to do that this summer and even on into the school year. Have a great day!
Wednesday, June 8, 2011
Sweet... or not:)
Now this is sweet. Don't I just have the cutest grandparents?I'm sure everyone says that about their grandparents but this is priceless. In a good way. Not like the one above on my sister... that's priceless as in wow... can you tell we didn't really wanna be out there getting pictures taken? There are not words to describe that picture... All I can say is, that's Ashley for you... :) On a sidenote, this is my 100th post! Not that you care:)
Room Makeover Pt.1
So, today Caroline and I will be working on my room. It was exactly a week ago today that we ordered my furniture and the guys it should take 2 to 4 weeks. Since we don't have furniture we will have to stick with measuring and using sticky notes to decide where my furniture will go. I will get a before picture for all you guys to see and then an after picture and it will be amazing:). Well, I'm gonna go so we can get started but I may post those pictures later. Have a great day!
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
Well, I figured since I'm almost to my 100th post I should give the blog a new look and a new font. Actually I just decided to change my background and then I saw that I was almost at 100. So, I hope you like the new design... if you don't... don't tell me... because I like it:). Well, I guess I better go since I have a guest... I mean it's Caroline... anyway I hope you have a good night!
Saturday, June 4, 2011
Well, I went to a cookout tonight at a friends house. It was pretty fun:) I am also very excited because Caroline got to come home with me:) We plan on making brownies but that probably won't happen until like 10... I have a feeling it will be hard to go to sleep tonight... just sayin':)
Sneak Peek:)
This is a sneak peek to all the fun we had last night. Just for your information I went much further than what is shown in this video which is why it was so fun:). Have a great day!
Friday, June 3, 2011
It's Friday Night!
I came in about 9:45 from playing in the water... I love summer:) I will hopefully get some pictures posted tomorrow but we all know how that goes... Have a good night:)
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