Friday, July 29, 2011

dRiViNg PiCtUrEs!!!!!!!!!

Best driver of the day:)

Grandma ~ the driving instructor:)


Caroline right after she informed us that she almost drove a golfcart into a ditch...and she's about to drive a real car...

"We're all gonna die!!!"

Yes. My Mother got up enough courage to stand in front of a vehicle with my behind the wheel:)

My Great Revelation

After all these years I finally found what I needed. Something I can do by myself to think. Whether I'm thinking about a conversation I've had, or what I read in my Bible reading. It's just me. I've found that when I run I think clearer. I have a better outlook on life. It clears my mind and makes me feel better. Now I'm not saying running can solve all your problems... You want something like that, God is the only answer. Hope y'all have a great day! Now get out there and run:)

Monday, July 25, 2011

July 25, 2011

So, I haven't been a very good blogger lately... I really need to work on that. You would think that during the summer I would have more time to blog but I don't. I will try to keep this blog updated more. So, I put some more of my running time on my running page. You should go check it out:). The last two running entries were really fun because I ran with Caroline. I mean what better motivation than to run faster then your best friend? ;) I think I actually work harder when I work out with Caroline because we have a competition... constantly. But we wouldn't have it any other way. I'm getting ready to go the gym and hopefully run 25 minutes and do some weight lifting. After that, at home I'm going to do some sit ups, push ups, and plank especially for Caroline. My workouts from now until the first week of August (which is like next week) are going to be pretty intense. I have soccer camp coming up that's 2 1/2 hours every night all week. I've done it before but I want to be able to do it better this time around:). Well, i guess I better head off to the gym before it gets too late. Have a great day!

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Running Page

Well, I finally did it. I made a running page for you snoopy blog readers to see how I'm doing with my running:). I'm kidding. You guys aren't snoopy... there's not that many of you quite frankly. :) But the page is up so feel free to go to it and see how I'm doing:)

Saturday, July 16, 2011

long time no blog:)

It's been about 12 days since I have done a post on my blog... sorry about that. I would say I've been busy, but, compared to last school year, I am nowhere near busy. I have a lot of pictures that I'm going to put up on my blog but I won't do that right now. Hopefully I will have them put up by tonight. Nothing really exciting has happened lately... I mean yesterday I wiped out on the driveway and now I have a knot on my knee... and my cousins flew in from Florida on Tuesday:) But, I will save all that for the pictures:) Have a great day:)

Monday, July 4, 2011

Happy 4th:)

Well, I hope you all had a great day! I did... I spend most of the day in the pool:). Tomorrow morning I plan on getting up and running and I have a soccer pickup game tomorrow night. I am so excited to get out there and run because I haven't run since I got sick... about a week ago. Well, I'm gonna go and watch the cover show:) Have a good night y'all:)

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Good Morning!

Good mornin' y'all! I just wanted to tell y'all to have a good weekend! I don't know when I will be back on the blog... but hope by Tuesday... I don't know what we're doing Monday yet and it may be swimming or fishing:). Well, hope you have a great weekend!