Monday, January 3, 2011

January 3, 2011

* Here we are at day 3. Today's picture is of my homework all over my desk. This is today's picture because today was the first day back at school. Now I had something else in mind to do for today but unfortunately I wasn't able to get a picture of it.

*In my neighborhood today I saw something kinda rednecky if I can use that word... but here you go;You know you're a redneck if... your neighbors pull their fishin boat down the road with their John Deere lawn mower..... now are you smiling yet?


  1. I have 7 desks. One for each class (except band), and one at home. I hate the desks they have at school, though. They're the desks with the chairs attached to them and they drive me crazy:(

  2. haha:) I pray for you Caroline:D
