What I'm about to post is copied from my Bible book... These are not my words.
The Defintion of You
"Now define yourself-not merely your identification, but your unique character-your personality. How would your friends and family define you? How does God define you? Your actions define you to some extent. Scripture, however, goes deeper than mere actions; it goes deep into the mind, or the heart. Proverbs 4:23 says that out of the heart "are the issues of life." So do we define ourselves by what we think or what we do? Obviously, thought leads to action. We will not try to separate these processes since the Bible does not. What a man thinks and what a man does are what a man is. Therefore, what you think and what you do are the definition of you."
Carefully think about what people would define you as. Maybe you could even ask some people to define you. This is a great reminder that we should constantly be thinking about what we think about and what we do. Those things not only affect ourselves, but others also. Don't go through day by day being the same person. Ask God to do a work inside you so great that people will talk about what He did. We can do nothing in our strength but with God all things are possible.
"What you think and what you do determine what you are, and what you are determines the influence you have on the many people around you."
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