Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Memorializing Memorial Day

I've noticed that year after year Memorial Day is losing its meaning. People are more focused on throwing a big party or going out on the lake. They seem to forget who gave them those privileges. People also tend to go too far in the other direction. They over-emphasize remembering the men who died. You may not think this is possible, but it is. These people do not focus on what Memorial Day should be focused on. Memorial Day is day set aside for remembering the men who died but more importantly, it's remembering why they died. If we don't know why they died or what they died for then we cannot honor them. If we don't how they died we can't continue what they started. Isn't that our duty as American Patriots? It is our job to carry on the legacy of those who have gone before us. It is our job to make sure that we continue the fight for freedom. There is no better way to honor those who have fallen. They deserve that honor and respect. Anything less would not be acceptable. We can't let their death be in vain. Those died fighting for where we are today. Unfortunately, the fight is far from over. We must continue to fight.

"Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn't pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same."

~Ronald Reagan

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