Monday, August 5, 2013

A very hectic summer...

Here we are with less than two weeks until school starts. Where has the summer gone? I got to enjoy some of it but most of it I was miserable. After my awesome week at the Wilds, I came home with a bad cold... which turned into a sinus infection. I was miserable. To make matters worse, I had a drug reaction to the antibiotic they gave me and ended up in urgent care. Making that a total of 4 weeks I was out of commission. Then if that wasn't enough, 2 weeks ago I went through the dreaded wisdom teeth extraction. I am praying that nothing else will go wrong this summer... I want to enjoy my last two weeks! Other than that, this summer has been great. I had an amazing beach vacation, an awesome week at camp, and Neighborhood Bible Time at our church. The Lord has definitely in and around me this summer. It was especially noticeable this past week of NBT. I can't wait to see how the Lord will continue to work. It's one thing to read about our God in the Bible but when you actually look and see His work around you... it's beyond amazing. How great a God we serve!