Friday, February 17, 2012

Friday, February 17, 2012

Well, I haven't been very faithful with my "Verse of the Day" this week... I've been super busy. I mean I've still been doing my devotions. Just because I was busy doesn't mean I haven't been reading my Bible... I still do that everyday but I haven't had time to post on my blog. Lord willing, I should be doing those daily again next week.

I haven't been up to much other than school. Except, of course, music. I can't go very long without playing my piano or my violin. It's actually quite addicting after you play for a while;). I had a really good workout yesterday. Just me, my iPod, my soccer ball, and my backyard. It was a whole lot of fun. I was reminded of my love for soccer. I actually found myself laughing and then figured I better stop before the neighbors start to think I'm weird;). Although, I've been living here for almost 6 years... if they we're gonna think I was weird it would've happened a long time ago;).

I've enjoyed my Friday. Although, I'm starting to get sick... woke up with a sore throat. Maybe I'll wake up tomorrow with no sore throat;). That would be so nice... When I was sick (less than two months ago) I felt like I was going to turn into an orange I drank so much orange juice. Oh well... :) Well, in case you're completely bored to death (which is entirely likely) I thought I might put some pictures I haven't posted yet. Have a great night! :)


two of my awesome cousins, Jaycee and Jordan<3


these two are my favorite... precious<3

go Cameron! yeah we're a pretty talented family;)

us girls:) minus Mama and Aunt Leah:)

my sweet, precious parents:)

this is what happens when you attempt to play football with my Daddy.... ;)

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