Hebrews 13:5-6 ~ Let your conduct be without covetousness; be content with such things as you have. For He Himself has said, "I will never leave you not forsake you." So we may boldly say: "The Lord is my helper; I will not fear. What can man do to me?"
Ok. So, we can get two main points from these two verses. In the first verse the main point it to be content. In the second verse the main point is not to fear. Instead of combining the two (which would probably result in confusion)... I'm just going to seperate them.
Verse 1: Are you content? That's kind of a broad question but are you? Or are you constantly wanting more things? Honestly, I'm not very content. I am constantly thinking (or dreaming) about things that I want and not focusing on what's really important. If you stop and think about it, wanting is just a waste of time. I mean all wanting is "wanting" earthly things that will pass away. Sounds like a waste of time doesn't it? Now this doesn't mean that just because you want something that you're an awful person. We have to put things in perspective. Whenever you catch yourself thinking about something you want, stop and think about what's more important. Instead of dreaming about something you want, try dreaming about how wonderful heaven will be.
Verse 2: Are you afraid of anything? I'm being completely honest when I tell you that I am absolutely terrified of spiders. Like seriously. Even if I see one on tv I cringe... I couldn't even download the Mentos app because it freaked me out. But is that a good type of fear? Well, probably not to that extreme but a fear of spiders could result in saving my life. Because I was scared I didn't touch the spider. If there was no fear I would freely pick the spider up and possibly get bitten. So would say that's a helpful fear? I would because it benefits me more than it harms me. So what's a bad fear? I think a good example of bad fear is found in the Bible (thanks to Mr. Kevin going over this in youth group last night;)). Remember when Peter walked on the water and then started to sink? He became very afraid. Why? Because He wasn't trusting in Christ anymore. He lost faith. This is definitely a bad kind of fear. In Matthew 14:31 Jesus responds to Peter by saying, "O you of little faith, why did you doubt?" Do you see a parallel here? We should have a healthy fear of certain things because they can protect us from harm but we also have to be careful and stay away from that bad kind of fear. We need to constantly be trusting God to protect us because He will.
I hope all that made sense and you were encouraged by that:) Have a great day!
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