Proverbs 23:22-23 ~ Listen to your father who begot you, And do not despise your mother when she is old. Buy the truth, and do not sell it, Also wisdom and instruction and understanding.
I'm going to divide today's post into two sections: Verse 22 and Verse 23.
Verse 22: This is basically saying honor your parents regardless of age. Notice that word REGARDLESS. It means there is NO EXCEPTION. As long as they live they are your parents. Honor is a very broad word. It doesn't mean to simply obey them. How about respect? obey? value? love? trust? Ever thought about putting value on your parents? Well, you should because they're pretty special! I mean they had you didn't they? But seriously there are no exceptions. The Bible doesn't say, "Honor your parents. Oh unless you disagree with them... or if you don't like what they're saying.... or if you think they're being unfair." NO!!!! THAT IS NOT WHAT THE BIBLE SAYS!!!!!!!! It says, and I quote, "Honor your father and mother." See that? No and's, or's, if's, but's. Honor your father and mother. God wasn't kidding around when He commanded us to do this. God makes no mistakes and the Bible is perfectly clear. I mean come on it doesn't take a rocket scientist to read and comprehend "Thou shalt not kill". Right? If I'm wrong I'd sure love for someone to let me know...
Verse 23: So after that you're probably like "Wow... after that I'm kinda concerned about what she's gonna say next..." Don't worry. I'm not trying to be mean I'm just trying to stand up for most kids today have just overlooked. What does it mean to buy truth? Well, what does it mean to buy something? When you buy something you need it or want it. You place value on it, right? How often do we put value on truth? wisdom? instruction? understanding? Those are important things! If God values something, shouldn't we value it also? If we don't, that's a major problem. But seriously we need to value those things. We need to strive to be truthful, heed wisdom, be receptive to instruction, and be understanding.
These two verse present quite a challenge don't you think? I think so. But we're up to it. God wouldn't tell us to do something we would not be able to acheive. So, are you up for the challenge?
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