Friday, November 23, 2012

remind me again why I'm still up?

After being stuffed full of turkey, dressing, casseroles, and cake I thought I finish off the day (and start the next) doing Black Friday shopping. Of course I didn't go anywhere... last I checked I still had common sense... well enough to not go out and get caught up in that crazy mess. For those who love Black Friday shopping, more power to you but for me, I prefer to stay home. I like shopping where I can stay in my pajamas and eat whenever I want... food's a big thing for me. So here I sit with my Mommy... finding good deals and trying to stay awake. Well, she seems to be going strong... I, on the other hand, practically fell asleep laid across the counter. It's so easy to do since I'm all bundled up with house shoes, hoodie, and blankie. I hope you all had an awesome Thanksgiving. I know I certainly did. I also know that my correct grammar and punctuation completely out the window... we'll just chalk that up to that fact that it's almost 1:30 in the morning and I may or may not have had way more to eat than I should have. Well, on that note I shall go help my Mommy finish her shopping and then get off to bed... if I make it that far. Happy Black Friday!

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