Friday, May 6, 2011

Friday Night

Well, it's Friday night. Even though I'm out of school I still look forward to Fridays. There's just something about Fridays... you can stay up really, really late, you can sleep late in the morning, and you can have friends over:). Tonight was one of those nights that I get to have a friend over. Since I had a piano party (that Caroline went to also) I got to have her over:). We have a blast when we're together... although, most of the time we end up getting into some kind of trouble around 1 or 2 a.m. But we have fun (:. Well, we're watching the Blindside so I better finish watching it... hope y'all have a great night!

1 comment:

  1. I had fun!! Surprisingly, we didn't even stay up late enough to get in trouble at 2am:) I have a feelin were gonna be up late when I stay over in the summer though:) Maybe we can try and pull an all-nighter...
