Monday, June 27, 2011

It's Monday:)

I absolutely love Mondays. I think I've mentioned that before... but they really are awesome:). I'm going to the gym today... depending on my knees I will try to run at least 2 miles... but if they won't let me it will be a short run day. I had a great time at the river on Saturday. I only caught three fish though... 1 rainbow trout and 2 horny heads. The water was really cold but I think that was just because of the rain that we had. We saw a little fawn cross the river too. It was so adorable. I didn't run at all through the weekend but I think it was a good thing I took a rest... if I ran everyday my knees would put an end to my running career:). As I'm typing this I have the straw of my water bottle in my mouth... drinking as much water as possible before I run. It makes me run stronger and faster. I will try and post my time when I get back if I remember:). Well, I guess I'm gonna go... drink more water:) Have a great day:)

1 comment:

  1. I don't think water has ever tasted as good as it has today. When I finished running, I wasn't about to die or anything, but the water tasted sooooooooooooooooooooooo good. So now I'm on my second 20 oz. bottle for the day...
