Thursday, June 9, 2011


Now I think most everyone is out of school for the year. Which could mean you have a ton of free time on your hands or you have a ton of stuff planned for this summer. I am kind of in a happy medium. I have to train for soccer and I am going to work on some of my classes but I also have a lot of free time to just hang out. I was just randomly thinking about what most kids do over the summer. We do nothing. Well, most kids do. I'm not saying you shouldn't relax on your summer break at all because that would be awful! What I am saying is that in your down time I encourage you to just sit down for at least 5 minutes and just read your Bible. You would be surprised at how much it helps you through the day. I know it helps me. It just makes my day so smoothly and helps me to focus on what I should be focusing on. I just wanted to encourage you to do that this summer and even on into the school year. Have a great day!

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